Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Nature Walk

God is AWESOME! I began getting nervous, about the thought of taking the kids on outdoor adventures by myself, about a month ago. At that point, I began praying for that anxiousness. Today was my chance. We had a nature walk to go on, and I prayed for a good spot. WOW! An amazing spot was more like it. I was not nervous. The drive was BEAUTIFUL, and our destination was even more beautiful. On the way up to Big Meadow Reservoir we got to see the incredible fall colors AND the first snow on the peaks of the tallest mountains. I heard my three sweet children ooohhhhing and awing at what we saw. Nathan said it best, "This is too beautiful for me to deny God's amazing creation." It's amazing what profound wisdom comes from that boy's mouth. Aside from needing coats, it was a perfect little exploration of God's amazing creation.

1 comment:

Nate and Katie said...

Good for you Sandra!! I am so proud of you for exploring and enjoying the amazing beauty you are living in!!! So beautiful!