Monday, July 13, 2009

It is Worth The Time!!

I found Zach today quietly waiting for me to be done reading to Abby. I stood and watched him for a bit. He was relaxed and just enjoying HIS book. We ended up "reading" this as his naptime story. To all you Mommies out there who put the time and effort into scrapbooking, just remember that it IS worth it.
(I am learning that I cannot wait to "blog" everything I want. I just have to seize the moments that I can. I hope you all enjoy.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Picture to Go with The Stitches Story

First Freeman Family Stitches!!!!!

Well, I honestly didn't think that the first stitches would be on Abby's beautiful little face, but here they are. We had just returned from a nice little walk around the block to our neighbor's house. It was such a beautiful afternoon. Zach hit his tennis ball so well and WHAM! Abby was at just the right place to catch the follow through right in the face! We were loaded in the van and to the Dr. within 5 minutes. She had decided when we got there that she was "all better, I don't need to go to the hospital."( more like HOPspital) Our Doc decided to send us to the ER in the event she needed sedated in order to get it stitched pretty. She was such a trooper and a blessing to all of the staff. She (and mommy) did get very sad and scared when they did the numbing shots and the stitches. Unfortunately she felt the last one. She is doing very well today.
Little Zach made sure that he told EVERYONE that he hit her with a tennis racket, but it was an accident.
The most bizarre part of the night was that about 30 minutes after we got to the ER. In walks our neighbor, the same one we had taken the walk to see. She was bringing her almost two year old little girl in for a head lac. on the eyelid!!!! We, after our 3 hour stay, ended up in the discharge room at the same time. How weird! I told her that next time I would much rather meet for coffee or a playdate!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Abby Turns TWO!

I will figure out how to get pictures in order and rotated. Sorry! Abby was excited about blowing her candles out, but didn't want to give them up when it was time to eat. This was on her actual birthday. Her party wasn't for a couple more weeks.

Abby's trip to the hospital with croup, on the way home from Aunt Becky's birthday weekend. We stopped in Thornton and had to stay overnight. She really did great.

Heater's on!

All three of the kids yell "Heater's on!" and run to lay by the vent. I know this summer we will long for it to be cool enough to run to the heater!

Big Wisdom from Little Mouths

Months after Brian set this up, I got my first dose of blogging material. I cannot resist putting it on now.

Wise Words from Nathan

I try to periodically ask the boys about what kind of husband they want to be someday, and try to mention when they do things that I know their future wives will love. One day I asked Nathan what he thought it takes to be a great husband. He barely hesitated before confidently stating, " Wisdom and patience"! I just had to smile, knowing that the future Mrs. Nathan Freeman will be very blessed! So all you husbands out there, just remember " Wisdom and patience".

Wise Words from Zach

One day I was sitting down at our dining room table, enjoying a lovely lunch with Zach and Abby. My sweet Zachary says, " Germs are God." Of course, as any mommy would, I thought I had heard him wrong, so I asked him to say it again. Again he says, "Germs are God." Hmmmm, I began pondering how to explain deep theological things to a 4 year old. The rest of the conversation went as follows:
M- "Germs are God?"
Z-" Yep, Germs are God."
M- " Well Buddy, remember the bible says there is only one true God."
Z- " No, Mommy. Germs are LIKE God, They are always with us and all around us, but we cannot see them!"

Wow! What an amazing analogy. I love knowing that Zach thinks about God throughout his day. He is figuring out that God is everywhere. He loves Him so much. Last month on our way down to the Springs for Aunt Becky's birthday, he was in the back of the van singing as loud as can be straight to Jesus. It was awesome to hear his own little worship lyrics. (It was a rockin' little tune!)

It's About Time!

Brian set this up for me about a 11 months ago. Boy have I had good intentions, but haven't taken the step to JUST DO IT! So here it is. I hope this is a blessing to all of our family and friends. I love keeping in touch in such a neat way. I cannot guarantee how often I will post things, but I will try.
Enjoy a peek into our little life.