Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Fun!!

Not only is Brian really enjoying his job, but his schedule right now is awesome! He is currently off every Wednesday and every weekend. Each Wednesday, he joins us for homeschooling in the morning, which the kids love. He also teaches science each Wednesday, which he loves! One amazing thing has been the Wednesday adventure that he and the boys take. They have gone on a different hike each week. It has been so good for all three of them. Zach is a little mountain goat, he truly comes alive talking about the hikes. Nathan is enjoying pushing himself a bit in the realm of adventure. Brian is just loving the time. They have been rock climbing, bone collecting, and orienteering. We have so many different animal bones on our porch that the deer are going to stop coming by our house, for fear of what will happen to them.

The picture of the four of us is from our "recess" adventure last Wednesday.

Month One

It has officially been a month since we loaded up two trucks, two minivans, and a car to drive down here to South Fork! I cannot believe it. We are doing well and enjoying our mountain getaway. It has sunk in, I think, that we are not on vacation. I don't think that I can say that this is home yet, but I know that we aren't vacationing. It really is a strange place to be. We are still enjoying the beauty of God's creation all around us, but are also still missing our friends a ton. The kids are beginning to ask when we can visit. Zach made the heartbreaking comment this week that he couldn't remember what his friends look like. I have shed more tears this month than I realized I had....Did you know that crying a lot makes you very thirsty? Pay attention next time you have a good sob. :) God is so good and faithful and I know he has a plan for us here. I am excited to see how he chooses to work in us here. I do not know when the heartache will lessen, but I know that in the midst of this transition, we all have drawn closer to the amazing Creator who hung the stars but also knows the number of hairs on our heads. What more can you ask for! So, for those of you wondering how we are doing. Our days are going well, we are really enjoying our time with Brian, and we are trying, as a family, to cling to the Lord in the midst of missing the people that we are used to doing life with. Thank you for all of your prayers. I really appreciate it.

(I know many of you are praying for relationships here. This Sunday, I met a woman at church who just moved to South Fork from Parker on September 15th. Her husband's new career brought them here. She has a 4 year old boy, 18 month old boy, and is newly pregnant. I am excited to get to know her. We are going on a little hike with the kids on Friday. Thank you, Lord!)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Nature Walk

God is AWESOME! I began getting nervous, about the thought of taking the kids on outdoor adventures by myself, about a month ago. At that point, I began praying for that anxiousness. Today was my chance. We had a nature walk to go on, and I prayed for a good spot. WOW! An amazing spot was more like it. I was not nervous. The drive was BEAUTIFUL, and our destination was even more beautiful. On the way up to Big Meadow Reservoir we got to see the incredible fall colors AND the first snow on the peaks of the tallest mountains. I heard my three sweet children ooohhhhing and awing at what we saw. Nathan said it best, "This is too beautiful for me to deny God's amazing creation." It's amazing what profound wisdom comes from that boy's mouth. Aside from needing coats, it was a perfect little exploration of God's amazing creation.

Our Lovely Cabin

We have the opportunity to stay for 6 weeks in a great vacation cabin in South Fork. This wasn't the ideal moving situation, to move twice, but we are really enjoying our time here. Now it just feels like a nice ease into life. It is gorgeous here. The fall colors are amazing. We had dear in our back yard today. There are such neat, old unique things in here because it is fully furnished and functional.

For those of you who would love to have a mental picture of where to place us, these pictures are for you.

Love you!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Where Are We? Why?

Wow, what an amazing journey this has been. One day, I will have to tell the whole story, but I will start with the last two years...
As most of you know, Brian spent the last two years in PA school. He went into PA school with a love of orthopedics and very little desire for family medicine. He went into school with as much of an open mind as possible. We knew that God would have a great place for him, but assumed it would be in Greeley in the field of orthopedics. Brian loved almost every rotation he went on, so the big "narrow down" of interest just wasn't happening like he thought. At the end of May, we sent him far far away to a little town we had never heard of. I had asked in the previous months if he was sure he had to go so far when there were plenty of family practice rotations much closer to home. Because it was supposed to be good experience we did not pursue getting the rotation changed. We even looked on the bright side and planned a great little camping trip with Aunt Becky to South Fork, a nearby town, and went to see the Sand Dunes. We had a great time and went back home, leaving Daddy in this little town with a sweet couple who welcomed him into their home.
The rotations following Del Norte were a mix between amazing and grueling. Brian knew that his last rotation would be with an Ortho doc he knew and respected up in Greeley. We assumed that this would be a great job opportunity. However, God had already been planting seeds in Brian, that he would love to get better at the "medicine" part maybe even before diving back into orthopedics. We didn't really know what this yearning meant, but we knew we needed to be open.
One afternoon in early July, I recieved a call from a PA that Brian had worked with in Del Norte. She wanted to know if she could pass on Brian's information for a position opening in September. Of course I said yes, because we were being open... Well guess what? Here we are. In the weeks following that phone call we felt more and more that God was pointing us in the direction of this little town we hadn't even heard of. Brian realized through lots of conversation and prayer that this was his adventure to live for this time. God worked out so many details, both physical and of the heart, to make this happen, and we have sacrificed a ton to obey and come down here. We will miss our friends in Greeley dearly. The way of life we know and are used to is very different than this little town. We are excited and scared, but we know that God will use us here and will provide whatever we need. The kids have been amazingly supportive and flexible. Just as we are trusting God and sacrificing things, they are trusting us even though they know they are sacrificing things.
So....Where are we? We are currently in South Fork, Colorado staying in a cute cabin until about Thanksgiving. After that??? Well we have a house in Del Norte we would love to rent, but are waiting for some legistical hurdles to be overcome. Brian is anxiously awaiting the start of his new job. He will start in the next couple weeks. Why are we here? Well, the specific reasons are yet to be seen. The most important reason... We are obeying a push from our amazing Lord. I am so excited to see what He does during the next few years.

I will try to keep our blog updated. The entries will not be this long...

Friday, July 16, 2010

What More Could a Boy Want?

Zachary Thomas Freeman loves being a boy. I am so thankful for the boy that he is. He brings so many smiles to all of us. He has a great sense of adventure and has such a drive to create things. He loves his "art stuff" and makes pictures for us often. He has an amazingly tender place in his heart for things he finds special.

I had to share his morning with all of you. I was working outside early this morning trying to surprise Brian with a little project that I was working on. Zach had come out in his jammies after breakfast and wanted to build with his tools. First he sorted them proudly, then after much thought, he ran to me and told me he was going to build a bridge for his Mighty Bean toys. ( Don't ask...they are weird.) That's when I took in the WHOLE picture of my sweet little boy. I will let you look carefully at the details of this great boy moment!!!

(Thanks to all who contributed to making this possible...Papa and Grandpa for the great tools, Magruder's for the loan of cool batman jammies, and Slayden family for the wonderful cowboy boots, Nana for the great wood scraps!!)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daddy is Delivering Babies

I did not intend to only have an entry every six months or so, but oh well. So much has happened over the last year. Most recently Brian has headed down to Pueblo for his women's health rotation. Abby is spending the week in Colorado Springs. Zach is LOVING his perpetual "dates" with me. Nathan is enjoying a normal week of school. I am missing my husband and daughter, but am enjoying my Zach time also.

This morning the boys were talking to Brian on speaker while eating breakfast. They were casually talking about his day doing surgery, delivering babies, and working at the clinic. Then the following conversation began:

Zach: I want a baby sister.

Nathan: Yeah, we want a baby sister.

Daddy: You have one...her name is Abby.

Nathan and Zach: No she is 3 she is not a baby any more.

Daddy: Well we don't know what God has for us, but no baby sister right now.

Zach: Ohhh! Come on Daddy, just deliver us a baby sister.

Nathan: Yeah! Come on.

At this point Daddy had to go and I quickly realized that some clarification was needed.

Mommy (with a huge smile at the sweet misunderstanding): Zach, what do you think "delivering babies" means.

Zach: That's when you take babies to families who need them.

Mommy: Nathan, what do you think it is.

Nathan: It's like adoption!

Oh don't you just love children. I wonder how many things we talk to them about in which they have a completely different understanding.

I did explain that Daddy is helping mommies get their babies out of their tummies. I am sure that comes with its own set of misconceptions, which can stay for now. At least now they know that there isn't just a Baby Delivery Man who drives around delivering babies.